Thank you for your interest in promoting your event on the Visit Southlake event calendar! We are more than happy to help spread the word about great events in Southlake, but there are some guidelines for inclusion on this tourism-focused online calendar. Visit Southlake is funded by hotel occupancy taxes, therefore our marketing efforts are focused on attracting visitors to Southlake, Texas. With this, there are some stipulations on the types of events we are able to promote.
Event Submission Guidelines
Please review the following guidelines prior to submitting your event. Also, please note that inclusion of your event on the Visit Southlake event calendar is at the discretion of the City of Southlake’s Tourism Team.

All events must be open to the general public (not membership-only) and must have a broad appeal to out-of-town visitors.
All events should be submitted no less than 10 days prior to the start date of the event.
Approved events may also be promoted on the City of Southlake’s social media channels, mobile app, websites and-or highlighted in email newsletters.
Fundraisers and community events will not be considered for inclusion unless they have the potential to draw out-of-town visitors to Southlake, Texas. This is at the discretion of the City of Southlake’s Tourism Team.
Only events held within Southlake, Texas will be considered for inclusion on the event calendar.
Only events will be listed on the calendar. Examples of acceptable events include festivals, spectator sporting events, traveling or temporary exhibitions or shows and professional performances.
The City of Southlake’s Tourism Team reserves the right to edit event listings for grammar, style, accuracy and content.
If your event meets these guidelines, fill out the form. This does not automatically add your event to the calendar. A notification email will be sent once the submission has been reviewed. The approval process may take up to 5 business days.